Wright Field Scale Modelers welcomes modelers of all ages, skill levels, genders, ethnic backgrounds, creeds, subject matter interests, etc. into its ranks. It is our hope that all of our regular monthly attendees will choose to formally join WFSM at the earliest opportunity.
Voting Rights regarding club issues and officers
Eligibility to serve in appointed roles within WFSM
Eligibility to participate in club events (intra-club contests, social events, etc.)
Eligibility to buy cool WFSM-branded stuff
Provides a large portion of the club's regular operating expenses (e.g. meeting space rental, web site, club cookout)
Membership Requirements
All members and prospective members must:
Have a pulse
Have an interest in scale modeling
Be current in payment of Club Dues
IPMS/USA Membership is not required, but is strongly encouraged, as benefits accompany that membership, also.
Club Dues
Adults (Ages 18 and Over):
$25 per calendar year (for members joining on or before June 30th)
$15 for second half of year (for members joining on or after July 1st)
Juniors (Ages 17 and Under): Free
How to Join
Print and complete the WFSM Membership Application Form
Bring completed Membership Application and payment to the next monthly meeting.
Checks should be made payable to IPMS - Wright Field Scale Modelers
Or bring the form to the meeting and pay via Stripe