Award Sponsorships
Recognizing Exceptional Achievement
Thank You, WrightCon Sponsors!
Thanks to all who have previously sponsored WrightCon awards. You all have been key partners in helping us provide quality awards to recognize superior achievements in our hobby.
Reserve Your Sponsorship Now...
Reserve your sponsorship online by clicking "Register Now" below, and then selecting the award(s) you would like to sponsor. These include Best of Class (Aircraft, Military Vehicles, Automotive, Figures, Ships, Space/SF/Fantasy, Dioramas, and Junior) as well as special awards.
Special Awards
Sponsor your own custom special interest or memorial award. Here are the current 2024 custom/memorial award sponsorships thus far:
Steven M. Sheets Memorial - Best USMC Subject
Sanford "Rik" Newman Memorial - Best Movie/TV Subject
Lynn Wells Memorial Award - Best 1/48 Subject
Glenn E. Palmquist Memorial Award - Best Swedish Subject
Best Pre-1980 Tooling, Out-of-Box
Best Japanese Subject
Best Italian Subject
Best USAF Aircraft
Phinest Phantom
Best A-10
Best Artillery - Towed or Mounted (Not Self-Propelled)