About WFSM
Our focus is simple: Encourage fellow modelers to build, have fun, and to improve their skills through sharing of techniques, tools, and materials during monthly meetings, an annual modeling retreat, and our annual WrightCon contest and swap meet.
We are a collection of "hands-on" modelers of all ages who love to build anything and everything resembling a model. You name it, we build it -- aircraft, armor, autos, ships, figures, space, sci-fi, and fantasy. Our experience levels range from "snap" through national award winner -- and everything in between. We welcome all.
Wright Field Scale Modelers is a dynamic chapter of the International Plastic Modelers Society - USA (IPMS/USA), chartered in December 2010, and the IPMS/USA Region IV Chapter of the Year for 2013. We are also an affiliate of the Armor Modeling and Preservation Society (AMPS) since November 2012.